Cup Created with Blender, simple, timeless
Pomodoro Clock A time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It uses a timer to break down work into intervals (pomodoros), traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.
Random Quote Generator Generates random quotes, some from people you may recognize, some anonymous. Either way, this will provide your daily dose of guidance.
TwitchTV Uses a sample to show online and offline Twitch streamers, as well as provide clickable redirections to their Twitch account pages.
Today's Todo A task list with some interesting functionalities. You can login, make tasks private or public, check off tasks, hide checked off tasks, and delete your own tasks.
Minimilist Clock Functional and minimalist analog clock with a warm style.
Wikepedia Viewer A clean interface for making wikipedia queries and provides clickable links to go directly to specific wiki pages.
Tic Tac Toe Game 2 player terminal game of tic-tac-toe, built with Ruby.
Calculator A little calculator for your basic mathmatical needs.
Drum Kit Create some music by pressing keys to activate different drum sounds. Inspired by the show, Bee and PuppyCat.
Wizardry Cast a few spells! A small project to practice using CSS variables and manipulating those variables with JavaScript.
Hangman Terminal Game Terminal game of Hangman, built with Ruby. You and the computer team up to try to guess the word. Unfortunately, your partner isn't that smart and you can't make more than 6 mistakes. However, a kewl thing is that you can save your game, and for the sake of demo purposes, you get a pretty great hint at the beginnning.
Etch A Sketch Allows you to click and draw on a pixelated board complimented by Japanese 8bit gif art backgrounds.
Simple Form: A silly form that responds to your inputs when you submit your answers.
New York City Gallery: Check out some images from my first trip to NYC through a gallery whose main functionalities are built with CSS.
City Finder: Incremental search for U.S. cities. Can also click on the panels to learn more at
Rainbow Draw: Have fun with some digital paint! You control the width of your brush and decide if its color should be plain or zany.
PeopleVine Hapi Documentation Hapi is the platform's backend language (created by the founder - Jordan Gilman). My coworker (Frank Calabrese) and I designed and developed documentation detailing how to use Hapi.
Sutton Strong Private, personal, fitness training.
Assurance Total Protection Local brand offering various insurance plans.
Remy Man App Built with Ionic3 framework. Available on Google Play and App Store.